T cells are a large and diverse group of lymphocytes that mature in the thymus and go through both positive and negative cell separation processes. These cells are important in both cell-mediated and, to a lesser extent, humoral immunity components of active immunity. T cells are unable to recognize free antigens that are soluble.
T cells can only recognize antigens that are protein-based and receptor-bound. Flow cytometry, rather than EM or light microscopy, is used to identify T cells based on their CD markers.
T cells may be required for isolation as part of any research project. They mature in the thymus before being released as naive T cells into the bloodstream. T lymphocytes that have not been assigned an antigen-presenting cell are known as naive T cells (APC).
Production of T cells
T lymphocytes are derived from bone marrow-derived hematopoietic stem cells. Some of these multipotent cells go on to become lymphoid progenitor cells, which leave the bone marrow and travel through the bloodstream to the thymus.
T lymphocytes enter the thymus and go through a selection process in which the majority of developing T cells (called thymocytes) die. Thymocytes with self-antigen receptors receive negative signals and are removed from the repertoire during this process.
T lymphocytes have a T cell receptor (TCR) that recognizes a specific antigen. T lymphocytes that make it through thymic selection mature and leave. They then circulate through the peripheral lymphoid organs, ready to encounter and activate their cognate antigens. As we age, our thymus atrophies and produces fewer naive T lymphocytes.
T Cell Activation
When a naive T cell comes into contact with a recognizable APC, it receives a signal to mature. TCR, BCR, and cytokine signals are the three types of signals. A cell will mature into an effector cell if it receives all three signals. A cell will become useless if it only receives one of the signals (TCR or BCR).
Effector Cells
A naive cell can become an effector T cell depending on the APC it encounters. Effector T cells are immune cells that have a short lifespan and perform immune functions. T cells can be cytotoxic, helpful, or regulatory.
Cytotoxic T Cells
The primary function of cytotoxic T cells, also known as CD8+ cells, is to kill toxic/target cells. Their purpose becomes the removal of virally infected cells, bacteria, and tumor fragments (such as cancer cells) through a process known as apoptosis once they have been identified. When a cell’s internal organelles are destroyed, apoptosis occurs, and the cell dies from the inside out.
Helper T Cells
T helper cells, also known as CD4+ cells, are similar to cytotoxic cells but have a broader set of capabilities. Because they are required for most adaptive immune responses, these cells are crucial to cell immunity.
When antigens are presented to T helper cells, they become activated and have the ability to differentiate into cell subtypes. Helper T cells multiply and secrete cytokines when activated, which attract macrophages and cytotoxic T cells to the infected site.
Regulatory T Cells
The regulatory T cell is the final type of effector cell. Regulatory T cells work to stop an autoimmune response once the threat has been eliminated.
After helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells bind to a pathogen and work collaboratively to eliminate it from the body, they no longer serve a purpose. Regulatory T cells prevent them from taking up space or inadvertently attacking healthy cells until they die of apoptosis.
Memory T Cells
While these three types of effector cells handle the majority of the immune response, T cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Even after a pathogen has been removed, some T lymphocytes remain. These long-lived lymphocytes are memory T cells, meaning they can respond to antigens when they are reintroduced.
These cells form after infection and are crucial because they have the ability to expand into large numbers of effector T cells when exposed to antigens they are familiar with.
Memory cells are distinct in that they remember pathogens and infectious cells more quickly than other cells, allowing them to quickly combat bacteria and viruses. Vaccines can create immunities in the body because of memory T cells.
Each of these T cell variants can aid our understanding of diseases and our bodies’ reactions to them. We learn about adaptability from naive T cells; we learn about treatment options from effector cells, and we learn about memory from memory cells.
T cells help us develop vaccines and medicines. T cells are an important part of medical research and could pave the way for a slew of new discoveries in the near future.
Try Pluriselect’s Cell Separation Products Today
If you are searching for the most effective way to isolate T cells from unwanted cell populations, pluriBead and pluriSpin technology offers an exceptionally gentle method for T cell enrichment that maintains the physiology and health of delicate immune cells.
All unwanted cells are removed using negative cell selection. In contrast to positive cell enrichment, all cells will be bound to specific antibodies and separated, with the exception of the cells of interest. The desired cells remain unbound and “untouched” by antibodies or beads in the sample material while the unwanted cells are depleted.
The pluriSpin system, developed by pluriSelect, isolates viable, untouched, and highly purified cells in a single step without the use of magnets or columns. As a result, the chances of activating or damaging the cells of interest are reduced.
PluriSpin does not require any special training or equipment, such as special instruments or magnets. All you’ll need is a mixer, such as a whipping rolling mixer or our magnetic stirrer adapter (pluriPlix).
One specific antibody binds directly to the cell type of interest using positive selection. The antibody will come into contact with the cells. All unwanted cells remain unbound and will be separated from the labeled and desired cells during the enrichment steps that follow.
Read also: A Detailed Guide on Positive Selection vs Negative Selection for Cell Isolation
When coupled to a solid phase, the easiest way to hold back the labeled cells is to use a cell strainer or magnets. Any sample material can be used, including whole blood, buffy coat, PBMC, secretion/excretion material, brain homogenate, spleen, liver, and so on. It can be used on a huge range of species like a mouse, rat, bovine, human, canine, sheep, and more.
There are two different bead sizes, one is S-pluriBead which is recommended for a small number of targets in a large sample volume (e.g. CTC) and the other one is M-pluriBead which is recommended for a large number of targets in small materials (e.g. buffy coat).
Learn more about Pluriselect T cell isolation products to see how our unique cell separation technology can help you overcome longstanding headaches in sample preparation.